Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Chistmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!! We had a pretty small Christmas this year since neither one of us is working right now, but I got the best present of all.. our little Natalie!

This year was so different than others because we got to buy stuff for her and that was the most fun I have ever had shopping. We didn't get her a lot but she got some good stuff. From her Grandparents we picked out a musical motion activity jumper that she is going to LOVE when she can sit up. We got her some toys and a peanuts activity bar to play with when she is laying on the floor. She doesn't quite get what to do but loved looking at everything. Of course I got the new Johnny Depp movie that came out and I can't wait to watch it.

But no gift is better than getting to be with family. We spent Christmas Eve with Chris family and did a really fun homemade white elephant gift exchange (which I think was awesome!), ate some really good food and played some games. Christmas morning was at this Grandparents house on his mom's side and tomorrow is with his Dad's side. We can't wait to see my family for New Years to exchange gifts and ring in the new year playing games and having so much fun!!!

Since Chris and I got married we have had a tradition of getting each other ornaments so when we get our own tree it will be filled with memories. This year we added Natalie and got her first Christmas ornament!!! It is so sweet and we are excited to keep the tradition going.

She was not a happy! All she wanted to do was go to bed!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

All about Natalie

Natalie is 7 weeks old!!! A few highlights from her life so far...

* We named her Natalie Taya Self.

* She was born October 29, 2009 and 5:10PM. She weight 7lbs 8oz and was 21" long.

* She had her first Halloween and Nana got her a rockin' outfit with a pumpkin hat.

* Her first Thanksgiving she sure knew what to do. All she wanted to do was EAT, EAT, EAT.

* Met the rest of her Aunts and Uncles and Grandparents.... That was alot of people she had to meet and I think was a little stressing for her.

* Is starting to really smile at us!!! Dad and Mom sure love this!!! We are always trying to get her to smile now making funny faces and silly noises.

* Sat on Santa's lap! I can 't wait for the pictures!!!!

* Has had a few modeling days were Mommy takes a ton of pictures. She will let me do it for a few minutes then lets me know she's had enough.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Waiting for Natalie

Only three weeks till baby Natalie is due!!! I can't believe it has been that long already. I am excited and nervous about our new baby coming. I hope we can get everything ready for her to come home! We still need to finish painting and then get everything put back together. We still need to get our carseat and we are still waiting for the crib. I am very excited for my Mom to be here to help and hopefully she can make it up here in time if I go into labor before she can come up here to stay. I feel very blessed to have so much of Chris's family here to help and be involved with us.